Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is used within the NHS in the UK and accepted in other countries as an evidence based therapy for the treatment of recurring depression and anxiety. I am a qualified and Accredited Trainer and my credentials can be found under 'About me' on this website. Mindfulness may seem a simplistic practice but to practice it for therapeutic reasons requires professional training. A quick online course for £29 may seem attractive but it won't meet the necessary criteria for insurance purposes. Plus, there is a risk of harm if not used in the right context. This is why I am passionate about teaching MBCT properly.
I also offer training in Stress in the Workplace and Mindfulness (MBCT) in Education
Group training: Classroom or *Live online learning 1:1 training: Classroom or *Live online learning
(*Studies prove that distance learning in mindfulness is a beneficial as attending a classroom course. Distance learning with us means that you will work 1:1 or with a group with an experienced mindfulness practitioner and trainer in a live setting. Read more below)
Entry requirements:The MBCT course is suitable for adults, professionals, church societies, clinicians, teachers etc. It is also suitable for anyone who has an interest in improving their own physical and mental well-being. There is a small proportion of people whom this course may not be suitable for and this is explained within the entry form that you can apply for from[email protected].
Brief overview
Time: (2hrs a week for 6 weeks plus pre-course and post-course work) Entry criteria: All adults over 18yrs* including educators, mental health professionals, church staff etc) Award: Certificate of Attendance [Certificate will indicate (Name) has attended the 6 week 16hr Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Programme.] A Practitioner Certificate will be awarded after completing the post course criteria as below.(*) I will also include how you can integrate MBCT into your EFT practice if requested.
Learning Outcomes:(what you will be able to do)
become familiar with the workings of your mind.
explore ways of releasing yourself from those old habits/ruminating thoughts and, if you choose, enter a different way of being.
be more inclined to act rather than react under pressure
understand how mindfulness cultivates self – compassion, openness, curiosity and empathy
Identify a different way of knowing yourself and the world
be let go of wishing things were different all the time, or driving yourself to meet impossible goals.
learn how to tolerate unpleasant or stressful emotions
enhance concentration and executive function (planning, decision-making, and impulse control)
utilise mindfulness tools to prevent overwhelm and burn-out
STEP 2: TO BECOME AN ACCREDITED MBCT PRACTITIONER: Apply for an Application Form from [email protected] The form will request:
A copy of the certificate of Attendance
A copy of the completed Daily Mindfulness Journal
A 750 word essay on mindfulness
A record of gathering CPD (reading books, watching videos, meetings etc)
Take the Online Test: Once the form is completed and returned, you may be invited to join the EFT and Mindfulness Centre website as a student member. Once registered, the online test will be made available. Once a pass mark has been given and all of the above items (a-d) have been submitted, an invite will be sent to upgrade to Accredited MBCT Practitioner status and agree to our Ethical Framework Document. A Certificate of Accreditation and a personalised logo will be given.
Certification and Accreditation Breakdown Award: Certificate of Attendance 6 Week MBCT course 16hrs Post course criteria (see below) 84hrs Total 100hrs Practitioner Accreditation STEP 3: PROGRESS TO BECOMING A TRAINER OF MINDFULNESS BASED COGNITIVE THERAPY TO ADULTS OR CHILDREN There are 2 options on the Trainer part of the course: Trainer to Adults OR Trainer to Children (Mindfulness in Education). You can (and should) take both courses. Each course is 12hrs and there may be some small home assignments. To enter either course you need to have: 1.A Certificate as an Accredited MBCT Practitioner 2. Particular in-depth personal experience of all the core meditation practices of this mindfulness-based programme. 3. Adequate knowledge or understanding of the sector you will be teaching in. If you wish to train in clinical settings, you will need to have appropriate training. 4. Benefitted from, and can demonstrate continuous engagement in practicing formal and informal mindfulness techniques on a regular daily basis.
Attend or observe a trainer delivering a 6 week course to adults
Submit a video or be observed delivering 3 topics from the MBCT programme
Depending on your previous experience, completing the trainer course may not in itself qualify you to teach in the ‘real world’ but takes you to a point where you have gained confidence in teaching your peers. We can help you make the most of your time by discussing future plans for continuing your training as we come to the end of the course. The aim of the course is to provide a solid platform for developing your teaching further (e.g. by co-teaching with more experienced teachers in your locality and/or teaching under supervision). NOTE: Accreditation equips you to run MBCT programmes in various work contexts. If you wish to run MBCT with clinical populations will need an appropriate professional clinical training and be appropriately insured. Please request a Course Prospectus if you would like more information. TRAINER OF TRAINERS IN MINDFULNESS BASED COGNITIVE THERAPY TO ADULTS OR CHILDREN We are not currently offering Trainer of Trainer programmes but please contact us if interested.