Helena is an International Stress Consultant and member of the Institute of Stress Management.
View a Video HERE on the effects of stress in the workplace.
“Some people find that drinking or smoking helps them cope with too much stress but it’s those same coping strategies that can lead to bigger problems than the stress itself.” Helena Fone.
If you have staff or clients who may be affected by trauma, then ‘Stress & Trauma Awareness Training’ may interest you. Trauma can cause depression and behavioural problems in the workplace. Left untreated, it may result in disciplinary extended sick-leave, dismissal and legal liability for the employer.it. Stress in the workplace impacts upon productivity, increases management pressures, and makes people ill in many ways, evidence of which is still increasing. Workplace stress affects the performance of the brain, including functions of work performance; memory, concentration, and learning. One fifth of Maltese workers claimed they suffered from some form of workplace stress.
The issue of stress at work is a business-critical one and employers have an obligation to manage work-related stress, as outlined in the European Framework Directive 89/391/EEC.If stress and its causes are not managed properly it will cause employee health and absence problems, and reduce individual and organisational productivity.However, too few employers understand what stress is, how it affects people, or how to identify and manage it.A recent study found that approximately 74% of Maltese employees will most likely suffer workplace stress in the next 5 years – a startling statistic.
Employees on this course will be taught what defines stress how to recognise it and what contributes to it. This may be bad time management, harassment, bullying, inability to delegate etc. They will be taught how to identify the emotional barriers that contribute to poor performance, under-achievement or poor working relationships.
Managers on the course will also be shown how to effectively deal with situations that they may not be emotionally equipped to cope with. For example, a manager who is not comfortable with confrontation may even shy away from reprimanding a member of staff.
Stress is one of today's biggest killers and yet many people are unaware of what stress is and what type affects our health. Stress is an adverse reaction to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them. Psychological stress results from the imbalance between the demands placed on the individuals and their capacity to cope. You can read some of the tell-tale signs below. Researchers tell us that happy people can reduce their chances of having a heart attack by 50% and that by avoiding emotional stress we can reduce breast cancer by up to 40% so removing emotional stress can only have positive benefits. These benefits are now evidenced and Healthcare professionals are actively seeking training in the area of mind/body medicine. Under European Law, employers are under a legal obligation to manage stress in the workplace. Unresolved stress at work affects business performance and increases sick absenteeism. Dr Sarno has written a book which describes how emotional tension is pushed out of awareness by the mind into the unconscious. This unconscious tension causes changes in the body's nervous system. These changes result in muscle tension, spasm and back pain experienced by the patient. Imagine being able to reduce sick absences caused by back pain just by offering your employees therapy?Unfortunately employers say they can't afford therapy and yet they can't afford not to either.
By dealing with stress at an early stage, managers are better informed and able to identify stress factors. Individuals can avoid having a mental health problem recorded against them which may affect future employment or health insurance.
On this 2 day course you will.....
Learn how to:
Modify the six stress-induced behaviours.
Teach your staff the eight mistakes made when stressed and how to avoid them.
Provide your staff with tools to cope with their emotions, so that they can gain clarity and focus and make better decisions under stress.
Provide your teams with techniques to solve problems and handle change.
Give your staff an understanding of the causes and effects of their stress and what to do to reduce stress.
Teach your staff how to deal with people with confidence in challenging situations
Provide your staff with seven key principles for how be healthier, happier and more resilient
Raise awareness of stress symptoms
Enable managers to recognise and manage stressed employees
Course Content
Employer liability and statutory provisions in the EU
Pressure and stress-what's the difference?
Risk factors for work stress
Management style and communication
How to minimise stress with preventative action
Strategies for handling workplace stress
Recognising the resources available to managers
How to undertake a risk assessment for stress
Each attendee will receive a Certificate of Attendance and the Employer will also receive an Award in Managing Stress in the Workplace.